Me, Grace, and her daddy on her dedication day!
Some of these next few posts are very old so just bear with me! Between having a very active two year old, gymnastics, preschool on Tuesday and Wednesday, church on Wednesday night, keeping up our house, trying to sell our house, and me being in grad school, there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day! Grace's baby dedication was on February 18th which just happened to be Chinese New Year. The verse we chose to read for that day has been a theme for us since before we even had Grace's picture! We read Ephesians 1:5 which says, "For we were predestined for adoption through Jesus Christ according to the purpose of his will to the praise of his glorious grace with which his has blessed us." For me the physical act of our adoption of Grace is the perfect picture of how God adopts us into his on family. Grace had no name, no father, no inheritance, and no hope. Now here she is with her forever family! She has a new name, a father, an inheritance, and hope. It is the same with us before we were adopted into our eternal family. We had no name, no father, no inheritance, and no hope. Praise God that he has given us a new name, a heavenly father, an eternal inheritance, and an everlasting hope! This is the only picture I have of this day. Lots of video tape! My sister took some pictures on her camera so I promise to post them when I get them!