Monday, April 16, 2007

Six Months Ago Yesterday...

The first time we saw her in person!

Our first family photo!
Smiling for the camera!
First bath
Since I was out of town this weekend I didn't get a chance to post, but I certainly wanted to post today! Six months ago yesterday, we became a family of three! My have we experienced some change (mostly for the better) in this six month period! Our biggest and most welcomed change has been in Grace's sleeping. She is soothing herself to sleep at night and is sleeping in her big girl bed all night long!!! When we first came home she wouldn't even get in the bed so this has been the biggest change! Also, she is in preschool two days a week and loving it! Since beginning preschool, her speech has really taken off. We still can't understand most of it, but everyday words are getting a little clearer. What does she say? Her favorite word seems to be "no" and it is very clear. Other than that she says, Mama, Daddy, Nana, Papa, Mimi, Molly, Jesus, pizza, chicken, please, thank you, no thank you, puppy dog, Oobi (her favorite TV show), Dora (my least favorite of all her shows), Abbie, gum, phone, movie, cup, bottle, ahya (for Aunt Lauren), Tah (for Uncle Todd), Addie, Tee (Thomas), Steben (Stephen), book, Bible, spoon, nastics (Gymnastics), Pa-paw, no mam, open, eat, and probably some more words that I will think of later. She loves to eat! She now will eat anything we put in front of her as long as we let her think she's picking it. She is warming up to her dad more and more everyday and everytime the dog barks she says, "Daddy?" wondering if he has come home from work yet. Her favorite thing to do with her daddy is riding the tractor and she gets to do that a lot with 12 acres of grass to cut! She has also become very interested in playing baby. She likes for me to hold her like a baby and play like I'm giving her a bottle and she talks "baby talk". She'll randomly look at me throughout the day and point to herself and say "baby". Then she'll point to me and say "mama". Of course, I say " that's right your the baby and I'm your mama". I love it!!! My most favorite time in the world with Grace is in the morning. This is the time that she lets me love on her. Every morning she climbs in the bed with me and we snuggle. Oh she will let me love on her and sqeeze her to death! That's also when she tries to talk to me because she will look me in the eye and try her hardest to tell me her heart. I treasure those moments with her! We still struggle with some things ( mainly that fowl temper of hers!), but overall we cannot complain! Enjoy these pictures!!!


Sonya said...

To me, it seems like you have always had Grace!



Tina said...

What a precious post. I am glad she is doing so well. I remember checking your site(and Alicia's) several times a day while you were in glad everything is going good!!